The treatment of physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and application of physical modalities like-heat, light, cold, water, current, sound waves. Physiotherapy Is concerned with promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and prevention of disabilities, in people of all ages.

IMPORTANCE :- Physiotherapy play an important role is all the branches medical sciences , especially – orthopedics, pediatrics, neurology, cardiothoracic surgery, sports medicine etc.

Rehabilitation set up for cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hemiplegic, PPRP, spinal cord injury and post fracture problems.

Objective :- In General

1. We reduce or, relive pain and muscle spasm.

2. It helps to reduce swelling and inflammation.

3. To improve ventilation of lungs by giving deep breathing ex. and postural drainage.

4. Reeducation of affected of paralyzed muscle

5. Stimulation of sensory and motor nerves, if sensations are reduces or lost.

6. Post fracture and dislocation management

7. We keep the person physically fit.

Objective :- In mental retardation and cerebral palsy

1. We facilitate the development of child gross motor and fine motor.

2. We prevent correct contracture and deformities

3. We prevent or correct muscle wasting and atrophy of muscles.

4. To normalize muscle tone (stretching)

5. To maintain or improve muscle power (strengthening ex.)

6. We emphasize the importance of handling and positioning the child

7. We make the child independent in walking and ADL.

8. To improve posture, gait, balance and coordination.

9. To maintain and improve joint range of motion.

Objectives in orthopedic and neurological conditions :-

Cases seen here cervical spondylosis , frozen shoulder, carpel tunnel syndrome, low back pain, post fracture stiffness, amputation, tennis elbow, hemiplegic, paraplegia, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalous, ankylosing spondylitis sciatica , vertigo, and other cases.

Method of Treatment here :-

Electrotherapy :- Modalities use Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Ultra Sound Therapy, IR, PWB(Paraffin Wax Bath), traction, Electrical stimulator.

Exercise therapy :- mobilization, strengthening, stretching, wt. bearing, Manual Traction, Mat Activities, DTFM massage, gait training, isometric exercises, spinal exercises and other activities.

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